Tuesday, November 15, 2011

JT 17-19 months

Eating with mama at the hospital after sister was born

First haircut at the Barber

Looks like a little boy with his new haircut

Painting his first pumpkin with daddy

Enjoying the bounty that was shot out of the cannons at pumkin chunkin'

Going with dad to find his first pumpkin in the patch

Pointing to the helicoptor (which was much more interesting than pumpkins)

The one

Family pic at the pumkin patch

Halloween 2011- Duck commanders aka duck hunters

Sporting the first footy pajamas for the season

JT is getting big fast.  I swear in the last month he has gone from 12 month sizes to 2T.  He is as busy as ever and learning more words.  He has started to mimic things more and can do a pretty darn good elk call.  He has started dancing more to music and is just comprehending more and more.  He is adjusting to having his sister fairly well but gets upset when he just can't crawl into mommy's lap when he feels like it.  I think he just keeps getting cuter and cuter.  He is becoming Daddy's boy and is most happy when he is outside and running around.

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