Riding with Daddy in the bike trailer
Well the baby is 10 months old now. She is standing on her own and took a few steps over the weekend. It is only a matter of time before she is off and running. She has one more tooth on the bottom. She has quite the little personality and lets her feelings known in no uncertain terms. She already gets enjoyment out of harrassing her brother. J.T. has realized that he can boss and so we are hearing "No Baby Anna" quite frequently. It is fairly traumatizing for him to have to share. We did out annual treck to Denver for the Rockies game a few weeks ago. I decided that having two small children in a hotel room is another definition for torture. We survived and it will only get better from here. J.T. continues to get taller but not wider. He is learning to express his opinions but also finding that his opinions may result in some time alone with himself. Overall, I enjoy the heck out of them and they are fun. |
Hee hee! "Time alone with himself." That makes me laugh, mostly because I'm right there, too. Actually, there are lots of days I wish *I* could get in enough trouble to earn time alone with myself. Hmmm.... ;-)
CUTE kids, Laura! Love the blog. Somehow I didn't subscribe correctly and haven't been getting updates. I'll fix that right away!
: )
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