Thursday, January 05, 2012

JT 19-20 months

Go Broncos

Wearing brothers camo coat

Pic with brother

Christmas 2011

Flying his airplane

He loves balls

The neat toy from Grandma Karen

Loves playing with his brother

Playing in the laundry basket that he emptied in his room

Notice the turned up carpet (the underside is much more fun to play on)

JT is going on 21 months now.  He is talking more and more.  His cutest is saying please.  He is exerting his independence which translates into major meltdowns.  I just can't believe that he would be stubborn (wink, wink).  He loves his big brother and his baby sister.  The other cute word that he says is baby.  He loves to give her loves and kisses.  Unfortunately he is much too quick to get a picture of it and won't do it when it is staged :)

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