Today is Rusty and my four year anniversary. Looking back over these last four years it has gone quickly but yet so much has happened that you think it has been way longer than four years. We have been through a lot in the last four years. We moved into our first home. Rusty has been laid off two times in the last four years and had like four different jobs before stopping and going back to school. We have had six pregnancies with one beautiful baby and one on the way. We have remodeled a part of house pretty much every year since we have been married. There has been extended family drama and our own ups and downs. We have had cars break down and cars wrecked and replacements for them. We have lost family to death and had several births in the family. I have changed positions at my job twice in the last four years.
I have just been thinking that there is a lot of life that can happen in a short period of time. I think about all of it and how we have made it through and we still like each other. We still get along really well and appreciate each other strengths and give grace to each others weaknesses. I know that if it were not for our faith in God and the unswerving belief that He has our back and is taking care of us we would have sunk. We would not have had the strength to keep going and working to keep our head above water. We would not have made it if it weren't for the support of our families and our friends and helping us to meet our needs in a variety of ways. No matter how you look at it. You can not do life alone. You can't make it without being able to let others know what is going on and being willing to ask for help. You also cannot make it without being willing to help others even when you have your own needs. It takes reciprocity.
I am just feeling really appreciative today for the God I adore, for my husband that is working so hard to be a good husband, father, and provider for his family, and for our family and friends that continue to be an invaluable support to us. Thank you to all!!
P.S. I don't have any recent pictures of J.T. b/c I can't find my camera. We are currently trying to cut a bunch of teeth and so he is not at his best. I hate it when they don't feel good but he is growing and becoming quite the little boy. He is busy like his father and independent like his mother :)
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