Tuesday, November 15, 2011

JT 17-19 months

Eating with mama at the hospital after sister was born

First haircut at the Barber

Looks like a little boy with his new haircut

Painting his first pumpkin with daddy

Enjoying the bounty that was shot out of the cannons at pumkin chunkin'

Going with dad to find his first pumpkin in the patch

Pointing to the helicoptor (which was much more interesting than pumpkins)

The one

Family pic at the pumkin patch

Halloween 2011- Duck commanders aka duck hunters

Sporting the first footy pajamas for the season

JT is getting big fast.  I swear in the last month he has gone from 12 month sizes to 2T.  He is as busy as ever and learning more words.  He has started to mimic things more and can do a pretty darn good elk call.  He has started dancing more to music and is just comprehending more and more.  He is adjusting to having his sister fairly well but gets upset when he just can't crawl into mommy's lap when he feels like it.  I think he just keeps getting cuter and cuter.  He is becoming Daddy's boy and is most happy when he is outside and running around.

Anna Lynn Ickes

First bath

Cute outfit

First experience at pumpkin chunkin

Being cute

Anna's story

We welcomed Anna Lynn Ickes into the world Sept. 28, 2011.  Her birth story is much different than her brother's.  We thought that we were going to have her much earlier b/c I was dialated to three by 37 weeks but she kept hanging on and at around 38 weeks I was dialated to four almost five.  So we decided to induce me that next week on the 28th.  We get everything situated and head to Grand Junction to the hospital to get things started but on the way there I start noticing little contractions but I had had those before.  So we get all checked in and they put me on the monitor and I was actually having fairly consistant contraction.  Then my midwife came and she checked me and I was dialated to almost six and so by the grace of God I did not have to get induced.  So we let things progress until noon and my midwife came back to check on me and broke my water.  I was almost to an eight at that time without having serious contractions.  Well after my water was broke things kicked into gear and my contractions started getting more intense and around three hours later and four pushes little Anna came into this world at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches.  It was the perfect birth in my opinion.  I didn't need any interventions except to break my water and no medications were used.  This was a far cry from 30 hours of labor and three hours of pushing for JT with a DNC added on at the end. I firmly believe that going to the chiropractor throughout this pregnancy made a huge difference and chasing a toddler kept me in shape.  My wonderful husband and my doula were fantastic support.  My mom and dad were able to be at the hospital with me.  Rusty's parents had JT duty and he faired well.  That was the longest we had ever been away from him and that was hard.  I think harder on us than on him.  He was pretty oblivious to the whole process.  It took a couple of weeks before he realized that there was another person in the house.  He now likes to pat her on the head and give her loves.  He also likes to point out her eyes, nose, and mouth which translates into his finger in her eye, nose and mouth :)  I would definately agree with those that say that going from one to two is a big transition and challenging when they both are so little but I love them both and think that they are wonderful.

Monday, August 29, 2011

15 and 16 months

Practicing my duck calls

Family pic before we head to our friend's wedding

Playing in the pool for the first time

Having some sprinkler fun

Just being cute

First time in a big pool and it was freezing

Wrapped up in Grandma's towel to warm up

Having fun at the Rockies game

Tired and wanting to run around at the Rockies game (ps Rusty has a mouth full of sunflower seeds.  He has not been beat up)

Mom found me in my chair reading to myself

The last two months have flown by.  Thankfully JT found my camera so that I could download these pictures.  He is growing and just mastering more things.  His favorite thing at this time is climbing on stuff and doing stunts.  He has already attempted trick riding on the rocking horse (can anyone say Rusty's son :))  He is starting to say more words.  He will say truck, milk, water, and bottle.  He will also pant and woof when he sees dogs.  He has been spending more time with Rusty's parents preparing him to be away from Mom and Dad when the baby comes and has done a couple of overnights.  He had another MRI done on his back on 8/19.  The results were not what we had hoped for.  It does look like his little birthmark has tethered to his spine and looks like there will be a surgery in our future but not anytime soon.  We are hoping to get all the doctors bill paid off from the birth and MRI before we accrue anymore.   I have five more weeks before our little girl makes her appearance.  I am hoping that she comes early but not too early.  Rusty is over half way in his school and was put in the Honor Society by his school b/c he is doing so well.  Blake started back to school as a big 2nd grader and will be turning 8 next month.  Time really does fly.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today is Rusty and my four year anniversary.  Looking back over these last four years it has gone quickly but yet so much has happened that you think it has been way longer than four years.  We have been through a lot in the last four years.  We moved into our first home.  Rusty has been laid off two times in the last four years and had like four different jobs before stopping and going back to school.  We have had six pregnancies with one beautiful baby and one on the way.  We have remodeled a part of house pretty much every year since we have been married.  There has been extended family drama and our own ups and downs.  We have had cars break down and cars wrecked and replacements for them.  We have lost family to death and had several births in the family.  I have changed positions at my job twice in the last four years.

I have just been thinking that there is a lot of life that can happen in a short period of time.  I think about all of it and how we have made it through and we still like each other.  We still get along really well and appreciate each other strengths and give grace to each others weaknesses.  I know that if it were not for our faith in God and the unswerving belief that He has our back and is taking care of us we would have sunk.  We would not have had the strength to keep going and working to keep our head above water.  We would not have made it if it weren't for the support of our families and our friends and helping us to meet our needs in a variety of ways.  No matter how you look at it.  You can not do life alone.  You can't make it without being able to let others know what is going on and being willing to ask for help.  You also cannot make it without being willing to help others even when you have your own needs.  It takes reciprocity.

I am just feeling really appreciative today for the God I adore, for my husband that is working so hard to be a good husband, father, and provider for his family, and for our family and friends that continue to be an invaluable support to us.  Thank you to all!!

P.S.  I don't have any recent pictures of J.T. b/c I can't find my camera.  We are currently trying to cut a bunch of teeth and so he is not at his best.  I hate it when they don't feel good but he is growing and becoming quite the little boy. He is busy like his father and independent like his mother :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

13 and 14 months

13 months old (trying to type on the computer)

I love my baths

Easter 2010- digging into my Easter basket

This is how I drive my cars (add car noises)

I got a hold of a roll of papertowel (damage done in about 5 minutes)

Family trip to the Denver Zoo (first time for JT, Blake and Rusty)

First haircut (unsure of what I think about this)

Decided that I was having a good time

14 months old

Avoiding walking for mommy and knowing I am cute

I realized that I have been neglecting my duties and gotten behind.  Much has happened in the last several months.  The big milestones that we are excited to announce is that J.T. started walking on June 10th.  He of course started walking at daycare and does it sparingly at home.  He would much rather have mommy's finger and have her walk with him :)   He can say kitty and has siren noises perfected.  He will wave by-bye to his daddy and say by-by dad (well kind of).  He has started clapping and saying yay and blowing kisses.  He is also perfecting having fits (which his mother is not thrilled about).  He is not afraid to let you know when he is displeased with something.  He also is perfecting the "my heart is broken b/c you told me no" look and cry loudly.  In the last two months, he had to change daycares and that was sad but he seems to be adjusting well.  He has gone through periods of only wanting mommy and here lately has had periods when he only wanted daddy (which was really cute and made Rusty feel like a million dollars).  The end of May, we got to go to Denver and see my mom and go to the Denver Zoo and also attend a wedding of old friends from my hometown.  Both boys did great traveling.  Also in May, we got to go to Durango for a short visit but unfortunately I did not take any pictures of that excursion.  Other news, is that Rusty had a close call.  He was driving home from Grand Junction late and fell asleep at the wheel.  He rolled the van twice and was so fortunate to not even have a scratch or bruise on him.  The police officer said that if he hadn't had his seatbelt on that he would most likely have been killed b/c the passenger side door came open.  So needless to say the van is totaled but that is really immaterial compared to the alternative.  We were fortunate to buy a little commuter car from a co-worker of my mine that Rusty is really enjoying b/c it has a bike rack on the top.  We are also trying to get my little Ford Focus up and running again so that we can park the Bronco and save on some gas.  We are enjoying the summer season.  Blake is doing coach pitch softball and also started in Cub Scouts.  So he and Rusty are getting to spend more time together and enjoying themselves.  I am enjoying having my mom here for the summer and hanging out with her when we can.  Anna is growing bigger and bigger.  We got results from the amniocentesis and everything looks good.  She does have the balanced translocation like I do but that only means she might have some difficulty with miscarriages when she gets older like her mommy.  I am at 24 weeks and this pregnancy seems to be going quicker and I am feeling really good.  I think that is the long and the short of what is going on up to know.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Baby is One Year Old!!!

Fist birthday cake before


And the aftermath

Getting ready for his party at Rusty's parent's house

Opening b-day presents

Much less interested in this cake then the last one

My first attempt at making the birthday cake

Taking a cruise in my new car

Driving along in my automobile :)

Well my baby in now one year old.  He enjoyed his first birthday cake on his birthday.  The next day though he got the flu and so did not get to enjoy his other birthday cake.  He is not walking yet but likes to walk things and prefers to climb up on things rather than sit around.  He is saying "uh-oh" and makes siren noises when he is playing with a police car at daycare.  He is perfecting his fit throwing (not so impressive) but at least is responding to no (rather than smiling and continuing to do what he is not supposed to).  He continues to be a delight and a great baby.  He has graduated to sleeping in his crib upstairs for most of the night.  He is a good eater and wants to eat whatever mom is.  Now that he is one there is a whole new world of foods he is going to get to try.  He is now 30 inches long and weighs around 19 pounds.  He is tall and slendor.  It seems that he inherited that from both his grandpas b/c neither Rusty nor I are slendor :)  We are looking forward to more birthdays to come and watching him grow.  Next week we are going to get to find out what the sex of his new sibling will be.  I am pretty excited to find out.  I will keep you posted.