It has come time to make the big annoucement that we are pregnant. I am 15 weeks and everything looks good. I have had three ultrasounds and have gotten to hear the heartbeat twice. It is a good heartbeat and nothing looks out of the ordinary. We are very excited. The due date is around April 23, 2009. We would ask for your prayers b/c I have what is called a balanced translocation with is a technical term for two of my chromosomes decided swap pieces which puts us at higher risk of having birth defects. We have our amniocentisis on November 10 and would ask for prayers of protection for the baby and that baby Ickes would be healthy and whole.
With this wonderful new, I ask for prayers. 1) for Rusty that he would find steady employment that would provide for our family. We are barely scraping by and we go week to week wondering if he will have a job next week. 2) a miracle so that I can stay home with the baby for at least three months before having to go back to work. If everything goes right I should have two months paid for by sick leave and annual leave but after that it would be no income for a month. My heart's decire is to be able to stay home or work part time but right now my income is the one that pays the bills. 3) wisdom in what to do with our house. We are busting at the seems and have no room for baby things. Right now the baby will share our room the best that we can but something is going to have to give. We are contemplating adding on but of course finances are an issues and also time. So needless to say we are not sure what to do but our house is not going to suffice for very much longer.
We are both very excited but also sitting wondering how in the world God is going to pull this off. We know that his timing is perfect and that he is in control. So we sit and we wait and we trust and do what we can right now. But it is true God has provided for us each day and we have what we need for today and there is little more we can ask for. I have found that it is hard not to worry about the future and not to try and figure it out on my own, however futile.
Thank you for joining us in prayer and being a part of our family.
praise the Lord! we are praying...
It's all going to work out exactly the way that it is supposed to. The Lord hasn't been caught off guard by any of it!
We'll be thinking of you on the 10th.
Ben & Sarah
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