Tuesday, November 15, 2011

JT 17-19 months

Eating with mama at the hospital after sister was born

First haircut at the Barber

Looks like a little boy with his new haircut

Painting his first pumpkin with daddy

Enjoying the bounty that was shot out of the cannons at pumkin chunkin'

Going with dad to find his first pumpkin in the patch

Pointing to the helicoptor (which was much more interesting than pumpkins)

The one

Family pic at the pumkin patch

Halloween 2011- Duck commanders aka duck hunters

Sporting the first footy pajamas for the season

JT is getting big fast.  I swear in the last month he has gone from 12 month sizes to 2T.  He is as busy as ever and learning more words.  He has started to mimic things more and can do a pretty darn good elk call.  He has started dancing more to music and is just comprehending more and more.  He is adjusting to having his sister fairly well but gets upset when he just can't crawl into mommy's lap when he feels like it.  I think he just keeps getting cuter and cuter.  He is becoming Daddy's boy and is most happy when he is outside and running around.

Anna Lynn Ickes

First bath

Cute outfit

First experience at pumpkin chunkin

Being cute

Anna's story

We welcomed Anna Lynn Ickes into the world Sept. 28, 2011.  Her birth story is much different than her brother's.  We thought that we were going to have her much earlier b/c I was dialated to three by 37 weeks but she kept hanging on and at around 38 weeks I was dialated to four almost five.  So we decided to induce me that next week on the 28th.  We get everything situated and head to Grand Junction to the hospital to get things started but on the way there I start noticing little contractions but I had had those before.  So we get all checked in and they put me on the monitor and I was actually having fairly consistant contraction.  Then my midwife came and she checked me and I was dialated to almost six and so by the grace of God I did not have to get induced.  So we let things progress until noon and my midwife came back to check on me and broke my water.  I was almost to an eight at that time without having serious contractions.  Well after my water was broke things kicked into gear and my contractions started getting more intense and around three hours later and four pushes little Anna came into this world at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches.  It was the perfect birth in my opinion.  I didn't need any interventions except to break my water and no medications were used.  This was a far cry from 30 hours of labor and three hours of pushing for JT with a DNC added on at the end. I firmly believe that going to the chiropractor throughout this pregnancy made a huge difference and chasing a toddler kept me in shape.  My wonderful husband and my doula were fantastic support.  My mom and dad were able to be at the hospital with me.  Rusty's parents had JT duty and he faired well.  That was the longest we had ever been away from him and that was hard.  I think harder on us than on him.  He was pretty oblivious to the whole process.  It took a couple of weeks before he realized that there was another person in the house.  He now likes to pat her on the head and give her loves.  He also likes to point out her eyes, nose, and mouth which translates into his finger in her eye, nose and mouth :)  I would definately agree with those that say that going from one to two is a big transition and challenging when they both are so little but I love them both and think that they are wonderful.