Thursday, January 20, 2011


So if you noticed I changed the title of my blog.  I have been reading more blogs and they all seem to be mom's that are staying home with their children and homeschooling or something else.  I know that I have written about this before but I feel like my side of the story is lost.  I feel that there is this assumption that if you are working and a mother that it was your choice and that you are choosing your "career" over your children especially in Christian circles.  I would like to set the record straight.  I would just like to say that most of the working mother's that I know it is b/c they have to not because they want to.  Sure I could choose to quit my job but that would mean going onto welfare, foreclosing on our home, food stamps, and medicaid.  To me that is not much of a choice and not teaching my children the values that we hold dear.

So for you working mother's out there, I am there with you.  You are not alone.  You are not any less of a mother b/c you are working and you are no less of a Christian.  We as working mother's have very little support.  We don't have time.  We are not affording mother's day out, MOPS or any of the other activities that are scheduled during the work week. You are not failing if you can't keep the house clean, the laundry done, and cook dinner every night.  It does feel like we are barely keeping our heads above water but it will get better.  It will not always be like this.  One thing that I do realize is that when you are working, is that you cherish every second that you have with your child.  I never have the thought of needing a break and there is no way I am having my child go anywhere without me on the weekends.

Ok, that is enough of my soapbox right now but I feel that there is more to come...

Thankful Thursday

I have realized that I have not done this for several weeks.  There is much to be thankful for...

1) God's provision for us while Rusty is going back to school...we are still praying that he will find a part time job
2) Health...we all have remained healthy while a lot of yucky stuff is going around
3)Family...enjoyed being around family over the holidays and them stepping up to help us wherever they could

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

9 months old

It is hard to believe that he is nine months old.  As you can see, we are sitting pretty darn good.  We are busy crawling everywhere but still find it easier to be on our elbows rather than our hands.  He has just started pulling up on things and has figured out how to get his feet under him.  Just this morning, we had our first significant wreck from pulling up.  I have a feeling there is much of that to come.  He is saying Dada and Moma more consistantly.  We have the first signs of teeth trying to come through but on the top.  My mom is convinced this is a sign of him being left handed b/c it is backwards :)  He continues to be a happy, easy going little boy with a smile that melts your heart. His trick now is when you say no he turns and smiles.  All his dad can do is smile back, pick him up and give him a big kiss.  Can we say softey ;)  He continues to be a good eater and likes his veggies and fruit.

Sledding and horseback riding

I am not sure about this

Umm what is happening

Oh I think that this may be fun

I am still not sure about this but Dad had fun


This is pretty darn fun

Can you tell me what we are doing?

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve service

Santa is so generous

Look I got plastic to play with

Oh wait carboard is even better

Mom are you sure these are for you?

Watch out Super Mario

I love boxes

Thanks Santa

Rock on

Wait wrapping paper is the BEST

This was an attempt to see how much noise the wrapping paper would make

Thanks Grandpa for my blocks

Sweet an easel

Watch out!! Fully automatic means lots of bullets flying around my head