Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thankful Thursday on Wednesday b/c I have tomorrow off :)

I am super thankful for...

1) the wonderful blessing of family being here for Christmas and that the weather did not keep them away
2) for the random money (ada God's provision) that came in that allowed us to get fun Christmas presents for everyone rather than just kids
3) for kiddos that make Christmas have so much more meaning
4) most of all for my Savior that makes all things possible.  Happy Birthday Jesus!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 2010

Blake and JT with Santa and Mrs. Claus...JT was more interested in her necklace than anything

JT at his first Christmas party

Mom is mean and made me eat my own food rather than the good stuff

Jumping on grandma's lap (therefore the blurriness)

Checking out Santa at the party

"I am not too sure about this dude, hurry dad"

Papa sitting on Santa's lap...Silly Grandpa

Investigating what the other kids are doing

I am 8 months old

Well he has aquired some new skills in the last month.  He is now crawling but only on his elbows and knees.  His arms are too long to crawl on his hands.  He is busy and all over.  He loves playing with all the toys at daycare and the kids love playing with him.  He is sitting by himself for longer periods of time and has good control when he falls over.  He is waving periodically.  His best skill at this point is that he is saying "mama".  He expecially likes to say it when he is upset and makes whatever is upsetting him that much more dramatic and of course Mama can't resist coming to the rescue.  He continues to get longer and we are having some challenges finding pant long enough and sleeves long enough.  I think this is what I have to look forward to forever :) 

Monday, December 06, 2010

Parade of Lights

We took JT to his first parade on Saturday.  He got to partake of the Parade of Lights down main street.  Here are pictures of him all bundled up and being a big boy in his stroller for the first time. He liked looking at everything and everyone.  He is a people watcher :)  Thankfully it was fairly warm (considering) and we didn't freeze and I didn't have to worry about him freezing.  Everytime we do anything I just keep thinking about how next year will be a whole new ballgame :)

First Thanksgiving

JT had his first Thanksgiving at Great Grandma Curfman's house.  He had his first experience of eating at the table and sitting in his chair that was actually attached to a chair. (I think that this may need further explanation.  Last February, we started doing updates on our home with the idea that we are going to try and sell it.  Part of that was decluttering which included taking the dining room table out and all of the chairs.  So that JT might oneday have a room to sleep in. That is the reason that we don't have a table or chairs at our house.) He got to eat sweet potatoes and pears.  Next year he will have the wonders of the Thanksgiving feast.  His grandma and his auntie were there.  It was a nice day.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It is hard to believe that it has already been a week since Thanksgiving.  This last week has been one that has been full.  This Thursday I am thankful for an opportunity for Rusty to go back to school.  This being said I am also asking for prayer...Here is the full story...Rusty found a program in Grand Junction that is 15 mnths long but he could get an associates degree and several certification in automotive.  We went and looked at the shop and got a tour on Tuesday.  I want Rusty to be able to do this.  I think that it would be great for him and for our family.  The catch is that he would have to stop his job and we would have to find someway of making up that $ b/c his job covers daycare, gas, and food.  We need prayer to know if this is the thing to do and step out in faith or if we are being unwise.  This Thursday I am thankful for those people that are praying for us and for a God that cares enough to lead us and guide us through this life.